I’ve felt stuck and frustrated in my past.
Life felt unfulfilling and hard.

I dreamed of a different life, a life where I got to make my own decisions and impact people more powerfully.

I knew it would be hard to get there, so hard that it maybe wasn’t possible. But I could no longer settle for the way things were.

Everything changed when I decided to choose my own hard instead of letting life choose it for me…

There is beauty and excitement in that decision. It requires so much of you. But don’t you want to become the very best version of you?

If your answer is YES, then let’s talk!

  • Badass Mindset Coach

  • Recognized as one of Geneva’s TOP coaches by Influence Digest

  • Passionate about fitness and health, following my dreams, and helping my clients to follow theirs


  • Masters in Education

  • Resided in 7 different countries including my home country of Ireland and my adopted country which is Switzerland

  • 13-year career with various U.N. agencies in Geneva, mainly in the capacity of a trainer

  • 5-year entrepreneurial stint as the founder of an educational consultancy company called “Love To Learn”. It specialized in supporting children with Dyslexia.

  • Started my first coaching-related certification in 2009 and left a life of frustration and misalignment behind.

  • Taken more than 20 different coach trainings and now have a coaching academy to train others to become a coach.

  • Human behavior, the human man and what motivates us to change are my absolute favorite topics.