The Truth About What It Takes To Become A Successful Online Coach

Waking up to a ‘you’ve got money’ notification is a beautiful feeling.

Waking up to self-care practices you love before starting the work day you love

Instead of…

Racing out the door to a job you feel miserable in

Or waking up to feeling like the ‘house-help’ that no one appreciates…

The online coaches start to the day is indeed a beautiful one.

Meditation, yoga, shower, breakfast whilst watching an inspiring training, journaling and then creating something of value for your community - that’s a phenomenal feeling.

It’s a feeling that I take for granted.

Because it’s been my reality for many years.

It wasn’t always that way.

I used to force myself, like many other 9 - 5ers, to show up in a job that was crushing my soul.

I had so much creative expression inside of me that was stunted.

I was like a pipe with water that wanted to flow through it.

Except the pipe got blocked… and it eventually burst.

I didn’t literally burst, but I did finally follow my heart and my calling.

My kids were young.

I wanted a job that I could work around being there for them.

Coaching seemed like a dream profession for me.

I loved to help people.

I loved personal development.

I followed some coaches online who were doing amazing things

And making incredible amounts of money

I felt like my future was sorted and my days of feeling like I was on the wrong train track were over.

All I had to do was figure out what those coaches were doing to earn such a lucrative income

And learn how to do pull-ups on the monkey bars at the park

(Because that’s what the coach that I was following was doing)

And I’d be set for life.

But boy was I in for a rude awakening!

Just like pilots need to earn their stripes, so too do coaches!

And it’s not just a simple matter of ‘do this, then this and this’.

Well it is….

Except there is a lot of internal overcoming to do.

A lot more than you would imagine when you start out.

But you will overcome if you stay the course.

You will overcome if you follow sound advice.

You will overcome if you stretch outside your comfort zone and take care of your nervous system along the way.

You will overcome if you continuously work on yourself and work on the skills required to succeed.

There are many skills required, from good habit formation to good organisation, good marketing skills, good sales skills, good copy-writing and of course good coaching skills.

It’s a lot.

But what it really takes to become a successful online coach is the will to succeed NO MATTER WHAT.

What it really takes to become a successful online coach is not giving up when you feel like it’s all too much.

Those mornings where you wake up feeling healthy, wealthy and wise are precious.

But they need to be earned.

And that’s a beautiful thing.

Because more than anything, the best part about being a successful online coach is the pride you feel in yourself for navigating a shit show and coming out the other side of it as a stronger person.

Then you can sip your champagne and silently say to yourself ‘I did it’

And no one can take that away from you .

Want to learn how you can get to $10K days as an online coach even if you are just starting out? Comment 'yes' below and I'll send you the link to a free masterclass I'm running on 7 May. You will learn exactly what you need to do to make your freedompreneur life a reality!


Claiming The Future You Now


Look To Your Future, Not Your Past